Cantina Gia

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Photos: Chris Schlesak / Cantina Gia
Promo image: Gia Catina placemat style menu.

After years of critical acclaim for their flagship restaurant North & Navy, the restauranteurs knocked on our door a second time to help them launch a more casual concept that still captured the authentic flavours of Italy, while making it less of a “special occasion” restaurant. We helped them develop the name and visual identity, injecting a more friendly, approachable voice to every part of the brand.

Interior of Gia Cantina, showcasing their impressive wine collection.
Gold lettering outside Cantina Gia's windows.
"Cantina" wordmark & gold lettering window signage by Pascale Arpin. "Gia" script wordmark designed by Northern Army.
Woman wearing a Gia branded dad hat.
Gia branded beer labels.
Gia Cantina branded tote bag featuring the outline of a woman on a vespa with a Gia tote.